Thursday, 6 October 2016

Reflecting on our first practical task

For the last week in class we were tasked with creating a short film about a package being delivered to the school. As this idea was quite vague we had a lot off leeway when deciding how to film and edit the project, and what sort of tone we wanted to set. In our group of 4 we decided to use various locations around the school to show a coffee cup being delivered to someone in an office, which we had all agreed with by the end of our first session. By using a coffee cup we were able to have action sequences of people running down corridors, but also make it quite anticlimactic as in the end it's just a coffee.

Our filming started quite smoothly, even though we only had a vague idea of what we wanted to film as we all had a plan of the route we wanted to take around the school. However, we didn't do a storyboard as we only had a week's worth of lessons to get the project done. In the first couple of days I mainly did camera work, getting a feel for what the camera and the tripod could do, and I did some so-called 'acting' in front of the camera. 

Unfortunately, a few days into filming someone in our group lost our SD card which did set us back as we lost lots of footage, but when re-filming we had a much clearer idea of what we needed to shoot. I used the sound equipment a bit but not as much as I had hoped to, but this was again due to the time we had to film. We all shared the editing equally but only one person got to do the sound editing, so this is something I want to practice more in the future.

For future projects I know we're going to need much more time to plan and storyboard ideas, go to locations to see whether they are suitable to film, and I hope to also use the sound equipment and do sound editing more often.

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