Tuesday, 14 February 2017

BLACKOUT Final Film Opening

This is our final cut of the film opening.

We're allowing there to be freedom to change small things once we have some more feedback, though we may not need to change anything.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Work in Progress- Rough Cut 2

This is our second rough cut for the film:

Changes we've made, and what we'll work on:
  • Fixed the ending- added in the right diegetic sound for each clip and cleared up the music for the ending
  • The beginning music still didn't sound right as it felt too jolted, so we've decided to use the stems for the track in our to gradually layer up the sound and to make the transition between present day and flashbacks smoother. As you can see, it's still a work in progress.
  • We need to alter the jump cut transition from the second flashback to the present- make more of an impact.
  • We'll use the melody during the ident as well, so everything flows well in the opening.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Work in Progress- Rough cut 1

This is the first rough cut to our thriller opening.

Audience reaction:

  • They liked how the colours and lights looked in the street, and that it aqppeared to be very cinematic
  • They enjoyed the shallow depth of field the lense provided (Canon 550D with an F1.4 lense created this effect)
  • The flashbacks were constructed well as it was clear that it was an event in the past.
  • They suggested the first soundtrack should continue through the first flashback else it becomes anti-climactic and jolted.
  • instead of the hump cut back to the present it should be edited so that the hand comes into the frame as the other leaves, else it also looks too jolted.
  • The editing is slightly unclear due to sound, but as it was unfinished this didn't help- we think that with the voicemail and the finished edited sound will make it easier to understand. 
What we are aiming to improve/finish: 
  • Add filter on golden hour flashback so the colours are richer and warmer
  • Clear up diegetic sound at the end: at the moment we only have the sound on the film the had been recorded on he camera not the microphone
  • Sort out the ending- with diegetic sound of the voicemail to fit the visuals
  • Play around with sound levels to build tension at the appropriate times
  • Finish and import the ident
  • Add graphics and end title

Prelim Task

This preliminary task was filmed back in October. We learned how to use:

-180 degree rule
-match on action
-shot reverse shot

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Final Ident

After filming another version of our practice with a simpler image, we decided to go with our practice as we felt it looked more effective. The title has been edited so it appears on top, and rotated the clip so that it fits the frame. We will take out the sound in the final edit. 

Storyboard for Opening